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Mexico: Executive Committee for the Productivity of the Swine Chain created

Representatives of 18 swine producing federative organisations, agricultural entrepreneurs and members of the production chain signed the articles of incorporation for the creation of the Executive Committee for the Productivity of the Swine Chain.

4 April 2014

In an unprecedented fact in the agriculture and food sector, the Minister of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, Enrique Martínez y Martínez, representatives of 18 pig producing federative organisations, agricultural entrepreneurs and members of the production chain signed the articles of incorporation for the creation of the Executive Committee for the Productivity of the Swine Chain.

Enrique Martínez y Martínez highlighted that the importance of this initiative is that it looks for the integration of all the parties in the production chain, so the authorities and the producers generate the public policies, the programmes and the incentives that boost a high quality pig meat production for the domestic and the foreign market.

The main goal is to strengthen the tasks and be synergistic in order to be more productive and competitive in a globalised world, with the support of a sensitive government that looks for the organisation and the opening of new markets in Asia.

This Commission represents a new stage in the agriculture and food sector. This group represents about 80% of the national pig producton.

Sunday March 23, 2014/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.

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