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Mexico expands opening for Brazilian pork

The commercialization is now for raw pork, whole or in pieces, and there is no restriction in its direct trade.

23 February 2023

Mexico has expanded the opening of its market for Brazilian pork. Brazil can now export the product without the need for it to undergo thermal processing before being sold to consumers.

With the sanitary requirements and the International Health Certificate (ICC) agreed upon between the two countries, on February 10, the commercialization began for raw pork, whole or in pieces, including mechanically separated meat and bacon, with no restriction in direct trade, without the need for processing.

According to the Secretariat of Trade and International Relations (SCRI), the expansion of the Mexican market for Brazilian pork represents significant potential for the protein in Brazil, and the demand meets Mexico's need to increase supply volumes for the country's population.

Six slaughtering and processing plants had already been qualified, and three more are expected to be qualified. The authorizations are for plants that are already qualified to export to the USA and Canada.

February 14, 2023 /MAPA /Brazil.

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