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Mexico: Imports continue to grow despite price increases

Pork exports declined while import volumes continue at record levels despite the 16.1% increase in price.

14 November 2022

Preliminary international trade figures published by GCMA indicate that the cumulative volume of pork exports through September decreased by 11.3% compared to the same period of the previous year, going from 200,020 to 177,400 tons (t). However, the value of these exports (USD 720,198 thousand) decreased by only 7% thanks to the 4.9% increase in the export price, which stood at USD 4060/t.

Source: GCMA, with data from SAT. Percent changes with respect to 2021. Volume in tons, value in thousands of dollars.

Source: GCMA, with data from SAT. Percent changes with respect to 2021. Volume in tons, value in thousands of dollars.

Imports reached 1,051,450 t in the period under analysis, an increase of 10.8% compared to the same period in 2021 (949,091 t). Imports reached a new record level despite the 4.8% increase in the average price of the imported product (USD 2000/t).

Economics and Market Intelligence Department of 333 Latin America with data from GCMA/ Mexico.

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