The Mexican food and agriculture sector (it includes agriculture and stockbreeding, and agribusiness) exports closed year 2013 with a rise by 7%, according to the information given by the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA).
With data from the Food and Agriculture Sector Commercial Information System (SIC-Agro), based on the Bank of Mexico, the office pointed out that the food and agriculture sector products that were sold abroad had a value of 24,408 million dollars.

The system of the Food and Competitiveness Subministry of SAGARPA specified that last year food and agriculture (agricultural and stockbreeding) sector products were exported, and that they had a value of 11,326 million dollars: an increase, in yearly terms, by 4%.
With respect to agribusiness sector goods, Mexico sold 13,082 million dollars, which represents an increase by 10% in comparison with what was obtained in year 2012, that reached 11,890 million dollars.
The main agribusiness sector goods that Mexico exported in 2013 were: malt beer (with a value of 2,211 million dollars), tequila (996 million dollars), bread products (754 million dollars), sugar (726 million dollars), chocolate (598 million dollars), beef (523 million dollars), malt extract (397 million dollars), pig meat (393 million dollars), food preparations (335 million dollars), and preserved fruit (323 million dollars), among others.
Sunday March 2, 2014/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.