The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) will invest some 2,300 million pesos in 2017 in food and agriculture, aquaculture and fishing industry health and harmlessness programmes in the states of the Republic.
So was stated by the Director in Chief of the National Food and Agriculture Health, Harmlessness and Quality Service (SENASICA), Mr. Enrique Sánchez Cruz, after pointing out that in year 2000, the federal budget for running these programmes in the states was below 500 million pesos.

When taking part in the Business Meeting of the members of the Mexican Secretaries' Association of Agriculture and Livestock Development (AMSDA), the Minister of the SAGARPA pointed out that the SENASICA is currently working in the modernisation of the Agriculture and Livestock Health Law.
He announced that shortly, the Agriculture and Livestock Development secretaries of Mexico will be summoned to participate in the design of this new Law, as the state regulations must be harmonised in terms such as traceability and the laboratory tests criteria, among other aspects.
The health contingencies fund will be of some 189 million pesos this year and it will be reallocated in a trust with the aim of it being available if needed for tending to health emergencies in any region of the country.
Tuesday, 17 January 2017/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.