Officially, last week the first shipment of pork left from Jalisco to Japan: a total amount of 20 tons of pig meat generated in the state of Jalisco and processed by the Federal Inspection Kind (TIF) Establishment 467.
With this first shipment, Jalisco joins Sonora and Yucatan as states that export pork to Japan, and this gives the chance to increase the generation of jobs and to place better the pig products of the entity.

In August 2012, the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) announced the acknowledgement of Jalisco as free from Classical Swine Fever, and in November 2012, after the fulfilling the animal health requisites coordinated between the Japanese Health Services and the SENASICA (Health, Innocuousness, Food and Agriculture Quality National Service), the MAFF made public (by means of an Official Letter) the decision of accepting the certification model proposed by Mexico, that acknowledges that this area of the country is free from Classical Swine Fever.
Japan gave the authorization to the TIF Establishment 467, located in Jalisco, and this establishment became the first plant to be authorized to export pig meat products from pigs born and raised in this state.
With regard to the TIF 467, it is relevant to mention that, apart from having the approval to export to Japan, it also has the authorization to sell to South Korea and Vietnam, and to sell processed products to the USA.
The pig meat exports at a national level entail 50,000 tons per year, with a commercial value of 256.1 million dollars.
Jalisco, together with Sonora, are the two main pig producers in Mexico, with about 45% of the national production. The shipments to Japan represent about 47,000 tons.
Monday March 18, 2013/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.