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Mexico: promoting the production and consumption of pork

The head of Agriculture and representatives of the pig sector reviewed actions to promote domestic pork production and consumption, and to boost exports.

16 April 2020

The Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development, Víctor Villalobos Arámbula, held meetings with the national cattle and pig production chains, aimed at coordinating efforts and reviewing joint actions to guarantee the production of animal protein and supply in national and international markets during this time of health emergency.

Specifically, Villalobos Arámbula and representatives of the Mexican pork chain established actions to promote domestic production and consumption, and to boost pork exports to Asian markets.

They agreed to set up conversations with the The National Association of Supermarkets and Department Stores (ANTAD) to discuss the sale of Mexican meat and to explore the possibility of federal agencies buying national products, in addition to continuing to follow the protocols to expand pork sales to China.

Secretary Villalobos Arámbula suggested that the members of the Organization of Pig Farmers of the Country (OPORPA) and of the Confederation of Mexican Pig Farmers (CPM) evaluate the supply of animal protein in Central American and Caribbean countries during this emergency situation, since it opens the possibility of exporting meat to nations like El Salvador and Honduras.

April 14, 2020/ SADER/ Mexico.

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