The Food and Agriculture Health, Harmlessness and Quality National Service (SENASICA) proposed the creation of an animal health academic network to work in subjects such as animal welfare and the global concept “One Health,” encouraged by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The General Director of Animal Health of the SENASICA, Mr. Joaquín Braulio Delgadillo Álvarez, explained, before more than 50 Mexican experts, that the aim of this network is to generate knowledge that is useful for the “One Health” strategy, that encompasses, from a same approach, public and animal health, and their interaction with the environment.

On behalf of the director-in-chief of the SENASICA, Mr. Enrique Sánchez Cruz, the federal civil servant highlighted that this collaboration networks will favour the coordination of efforts in terms of training, regulation and investigation on animal welfare and its effect on the production of healthy food and the international trade.
The meeting, that was held in collaboration with the Los Altos University Center (CUAltos) of the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), allowed to integrate a work proposal that will be presented before the World Organisation for Animal Health’s (WOAH) Council during its next meeting in May, in Paris (France).
Saturday, 29 April 2017/ SENASICA/ Mexico.