
Mexico - SAGARPA and farmers invest 900 million pesos in bio-digestors

In the last 3 years, the Mexican Secretary of Agriculture (SAGARPA), through the Shared Risk Trust (FIRCO), has earmarked 300 million pesos for the installation of 305 bio-digesters on 305 farms. Keeping in mind that for every peso donated by the federal government, the producers provide two, the total investment in the installation of bio-digesters increases to 900 million pesos.
26 January 2011
In the last 3 years, the Mexican Secretary of Agriculture (SAGARPA), through the Shared Risk Trust (FIRCO), has earmarked 300 million pesos for the installation of 305 bio-digesters on 305 farms. Keeping in mind that for every peso donated by the federal government, the producers provide two, the total investment in the installation of bio-digesters increases to 900 million pesos.

These actions, considered to be within the Clean Development Mechanisms projects (MDL) decrease the amount of greenhouse gasses that are produced by swine farms, dairy farms and slaughterhouses, while at the same time generating renewable energy.

With this initiative more than 1,3 million tons of carbon dioxide are prevented from entering the atmosphere and 4.460 gigawatts (GWh) have been generated per hour, which covers the demand of the productive units.


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