The Livestock Development Programme of the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) will set aside 6,516 million pesos for encouraging the stockbreeding activity in Mexico.
According to the Stockbreeding General Coordination (CGG), these resources represent a growth by 34.6% with regard to the 2013 budget, and it is distributed among 11 components, out of which nine of them are managed directly by the CGG.

The creation of the Livestock Biosafety component stands out, and its aim is to carry out a surveillance of the evaluation measures and actions, and the monitoring, control and prevention in the stockbreeding activity with the aim of avoiding hazards for the environment and animal health. This mechanism has a budget of 213.8 million pesos.
For the Swine Programme (PROPOR) and the Livestock Product System components there is a budget of 96 million pesos.
Monday January 20, 2014/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.