The National Food and Agriculture Health, Harmlessness and Quality Service (SENASICA) and the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) announced that thay will establish an unprecedented alliance to strengthen the national food harmlessness systems. Therefore, Mexico becomes the first country to establish an alliance of this kind with the GFSI with the aim of improving the mechanisms for guaranteeing the production of harmless food at a local, regional and global level.
This alliance strengthens the collaboration between the public and the private sectors for developing a basis for the mutual understanding that allows to harmonise the certifiction criteria of the harmlessness systems in the food production processes. With these actions, the volume of certified foods is increased, and the consumers are offered better harmlessness guarantess regarding the exported products and the products distributed in the nationl territory.

The GFSI and the SENASICA expect that this alliance will be a work model to drive the commitment at a global level through public-private partnerships for undertaking joint actions in food harmlessness strategic matters that encourage other countries to adopt the independent certification scheme and the agreement with the regulatory authorities in this matter for the benefit of the producers and the consumers.
The GFSI is a voluntary initiative of the world food industry, founded in 2001, in order to improve the methods that guarantee the production of harmless food, with experts of all the world that guide the companies step by step towards the continuous improveent of their food harmlessness management systems to faciliate their access to the local and global markets.
Monday, 17 April 2017/ SENASICA/ Mexico.