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Mexico: Surplus in the agrifood trade balance

Pork sales increased by over 46%.

14 July 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development reported that between January and May of this year the surplus trade balance for agrifood products maintained its growth rate with a 11.34% increase.

During the first five months of the year, based on statistics from the Bank of Mexico, the agrifood trade surplus reached 5.98 billion dollars, equivalent to an increase in value of 610 million dollars over the same period last year, said the federal agency.

The products with the greatest demand in the international market were beer, with sales of 1.69 billion dollars; avocado, 1.51 billion dollars; tomato, 1.17 billion dollars; tequila and mezcal, 878 million dollars; sugars and confectionery, 814 million dollars, and peppers and chilies, 782 million dollars.

The products that saw the greatest growth this period were: wheat with an increase in sales of 103.13%; pork ,46.35%; grapes and raisins, 24.6%; corn, 24.45%; onions and garlic, 20.59%; tequila and mezcal, 18.63%; coffee beans, 18.52%; avocado, 17.17%; and bakery products, 13.36%, among others.

July 12, 2020/ SADER/ Mexico.

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