In the face of the growing demand for animal protein in all the world , Mr. Gurría Treviño, general stockbreeding coordinator, reported that the Chamber of Deputies, through the Stockbreeding Commission, authorised an increase by 11.3% in the budget for the livestock sector, so the SAGARPA will set aside more than 7,261 million pesos for this activity in 2015.
Mr. Gurría Treviño said that with this budgetary outlook there is a promising future for the Mexican stockbreeding sector, which will surely live its best moments in the next years.
Together with the governors of Chihuahua, Mr. César Duarte Jáquez, and of Durango, Mr. Jorge Herrera Caldera, Mr. Gurría Treviño specified that it is foreseen that meat consumption in the world will be 450 million tones in 2022 (60 million tonnes more than the current production).
He said that this will also contribute to the increase in meat products exports to more markets, such as Japan, Korea and China, among others.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014/ SAGARPA7 Mexico.