During the first semester of 2014, the Mexican meat products producers obtained 24 authorisations for the commercialisation of beef, pork and horse meat in 16 African, Asian and American countries.
This was made public by the Director in Chief of the Food and Agriculture Healt, Harmlessness and Quality National Service (SENASICA), Mr. Enrique Sánchez Cruz. Mr. Sánchez Cruz, told, regarding the exportation of Mexican meat products, that the countries that have authorised the Mexican plants to export are: Togo, Nigeria, Kenya, Liberia, Benin, Ghana, Senegal, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Ivory Coast, Angola, Cape Verde, Uganda and Canada.

The Federal Inspection Type plants (TIF) of the states of Sonora, Zacatecas, Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua and Yucatan, have already started to export meat products to these new destinations: a volume of 237.5 tonnes of fresh and processed meat, with bone and boneless, among other beef, pork and horse meat products, to Hong Kong, Vietnam, Angola and Canada.
Likewise, the Director in Chief of the SENASICA informed that regarding the support scheme for the slaughtering of livestock in TIF plants, 68 authorised registration windows were registered.
Up to June, 365.7 million pesos have been handed that have benefited 1,056 producers, with 2.67 million livestock heads slaughtered under this support scheme, which implies 372 thousand tonnes of harmless meat produced, Mr. Sánchez Cruz pointed out.
He also stated that betwen April and June 2014, six new plants in Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato, Coahuila, Campeche, Tabasco and Puebla obtained their TIF certification.
Monday October 20, 2014/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.