The Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) will allot, in 2015, the highest budget (7,261.7 million pesos) in the history of the Mexican stockbreeding sector, reported the general Stockbreeding coordinator, Mr. Francisco Gurría Treviño.
Mr. Gurría reported that the PROGAN-Productivo will receive 4,022 million pesos (54% of the total budget for the sector).

Mr. Gurría told that one of the biggest achievements in 2014 has been the opening of the PROGAN census, which has allowed the inclusion of 178,000 small farmers and medium producers, that add to the almost half million of beneficiaries that receive the incentives alloted by the Federal Government to improve livestock production.
He pointed out that one of the great challenges of the sector is to support the production and supply of meat products with good quality and health standards registered with the TIF seal, that has positioned itself in the Mexican market and has become a requirement for the great supermarket chains.
Friday, 28 November 2014/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.