With the end of advancing the establishment of protocols for the harmonization and approval of zoological and phytosanitary measures, as well as increasing the exportation of agrofood products from Mexico to the Asian market, the National Service for Health, Food Safety and Food Quality (SENASICA) has initiated a technical visit to Taiwan, Korea, and Japan (from the 5th to the 9th of September, 2011).
Among the topics to be discussed in Tokyo, an interest in increasing the exportation of pork derived products stands out; in this meeting Mexico will hand over supporting documents showing the country to be free of Swine Fever, especially in the Western region of the republic.

In Seoul, Korea, the SENASICA officials will meet with the country’s health officials, with whom they will discuss the possible signing of a Memorandum of Understanding which will improve the response times of the inspections the country carries out of the federal plants. They will discuss the status of the visit in July that Korean inspectors made to the federal plants in order to inspect exports of Mexican beef and pork.
In Taipei, Taiwan, they will visit points of entrance of meat and vegetable products, where phytosanitary inspection and security measures will be carried out. They will visit the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine of Taiwan seeking to advance the negotiations, in order to standardize the zoo and phytosanitary measures for the entry of Mexican products such as poultry, beef and pork, grapes, mango, limes and avocados.
SAGARPA/ Mexico.