In 2014, the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) for encouraging and dealing with the challenges in the livestock sector in Mexico will increase by 34.6% in comparison with the budget in year 2013, the General Stockbreeding Coordination informed.
Through the Stockbreeding Development Programme (that will have 9 components next year) 6,516 million pesos for the sustainability, repopulation of the herds, genetic improvement and production incentives, among others, will be channelled.

Among the new components that will be implemented there is the Swine Programme Component (PROPOR), which is a reply to the request made by the swine producers in order to have an exclusive incentive scheme for this activity. The new component will combine production encouragement actions in the sector and it is focused towards the looking after and the solving the existing needs, as well as taking advantage of and strengthening the market niches for this kind of products. The PROPOR will have a budget of 75 million pesos and it will give incentives for herds with 40 and up to 1,000 sows, divided in two stratus and favouring the social sector.
Tuesday December 17, 2013/ SAGARPA/ Mexico.