Food commodity markets, in particular for cereals, are set to be more balanced in 2013/14, according to FAO's Food Outlook report published today.
World food imports in 2013 are tentatively forecast at $1.09 trillion, close to last year's level, but 13 percent below the record of 2011, the biannual report on global food markets said. Higher bills for fish and livestock products are anticipated to offset lower expenditures on most other commodities, especially sugar.

Prospects for abundant domestic crops in the least developed countries (LDCs), low-income food-deficit countries (LIFDCs) and countries in sub-Saharan Africa are expected to limit their import needs.
With the world cereal harvest forecast to surge to a record 2 460 million tonnes in 2013, cereal prices could ease, with markets becoming calmer, Food Outlook said.
This year's forecast record cereal production would represent a 6.5 percent increase on last year's reduced level, supported by higher global wheat output and a sharp expected rebound of maize production in the United States. Rice production is also set to increase in 2013, although concerns over diminishing prices may dampen growth.
Utilization growth
Global cereal utilization is forecast to reach 2 402 million tonnes in 2013/14, which is 3 percent above 2012/13. Much of the growth would stem from higher use of maize for feed and industrial purposes in the United States.
Total feed use of coarse grains is forecast to be greater in developing than in developed countries for the second consecutive season.
Based on current prospects, by the end of seasons in 2014, world cereal stocks could register an 11 percent recovery to 569 million tonnes, the highest level in 12 years.
World trade in cereals is forecast to reach 306 million tonnes in 2013/14, similar to the 2012/13 level. A reduction in wheat trade is expected to offset a rebound in maize while rice trade in 2014 is forecast to change little.
Forecasts for other commodities, world meat production is forecast at 308.2 million tonnes in 2013, a modest increase of 4.3 million tonnes, or 1.4 percent on 2012. While producers in many countries continue to face high feed prices, these started falling in 2012, and could further diminish in 2013.
Thursday June 13, 2013/ FAO.