United States soybean production is up 5% from last year, forecast at 4.34 billion bushels; corn growers are expected to increase their production 4% from 2020, forecast at 14.8 billion bushels.
Average corn yield is forecast at 174.6 bushels per acre, up 2.6 bushels from last year. NASS forecasts record-high yields in California, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. Acres planted to corn, at 92.7 million, are up 2% from 2020.

Area for soybean harvest is forecast at 86.7 million acres with planted area for the nation estimated at 87.6 million acres, up 5% from last year. Soybean yields are expected to average 50.0 bushels per acre, down 0.2 bushel from 2020. If realized, the forecasted yields in Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas will be record highs.
Wheat production is forecast at 1.70 billion bushels, down 7% from 2020. Growers are expected to produce 1.32 billion bushels of winter wheat this year, down 3% from the previous forecast but up 13% from last year. Durum wheat production is forecast at 34.7 million bushels, down 50% from 2020. All other spring wheat production is forecast at 343 million bushels, down 41% from last year. Based on Aug. 1 conditions, the U.S. all wheat yield is forecast at 44.5 bushels per acre, down 5.2 bushels from 2020.
August 12, 2021/ USDA/ United States.