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More than 10,000 pigs affected by an ASF outbreak in Poland

The 44th outbreak of ASF in domestic pigs in Poland in 2024 is located in the west of the country.

19 September 2024

The National Reference Laboratory for ASF in Poland has confirmed an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in a farm with 10,339 pigs, located in the town of Kołki, Choszczno county, West Pomerania province. This outbreak is the 44th outbreak of ASF in domestic pigs in Poland in 2024.

The Chief Veterinary Inspectorate will apply disease eradication measures in accordance with the procedures of Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/687, including culling of pigs, cleaning and disinfection, and delimitation of restricted areas, i.e. protection and surveillance zones within a radius of 10 km around the outbreaks.

Click here to view our interactive map of ASF outbreaks globally.

September 18, 2024/ Chief Veterinary Inspectorate/ Poland.

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