There are several strains of MRSA bacteria, but one strain in particular, CC398, is associated with animals and is in Denmark primarily found in pigs.
A high level of hygiene ensures that as little MRSA CC398 as possible is transmitted from livestock farms to the surrounding society. To limit the transmission of MRSA CC398 it is therefore crucial that everyone working on pig farms are aware of their responsibility in this regard.

As of October 1, 2014, all Danish farmers with a health advisory agreement must implement a biosecurity protocol and must have an entry room where staff and visitors can wash their hands before leaving the premises. These requirements will decrease the risk of transmitting MRSA bacteria from livestock housing to the surrounding society.
Pigs carry MRSA CC398 on the skin or in their snout. Inside the pig house, MRSA CC398 is present in dust, on all surfaces and in the air. MRSA CC398 does not affect the wellbeing of pigs.
MRSA is considered widespread among Danish pigs; Pig Research Centre estimates that MRSA CC398 is found on more than 50% of all Danish pig farms. In the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Italy, all pig farms are considered infected with MRSA, and have been so for several years.
October 2014/ Danish Pig research Center/ Denmark.