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Nearly 300 Dutch pig farms will close their operations

A total of 278 pig farmers will receive funding through the Subsidy Scheme for the Remediation of Pig Farms to close and demolish their pig farms.

1 July 2021

Of the 430 pig farmers who have registered and are eligible for the Subsidy Scheme for the Remediation of Pig Farms (Srv), a total of 278 have chosen to go through with plans to close down their farm. This will end operations on 107 finishing pig farms, 97 sow farms, 61 farrow to finish, and 13 other pig farms, lessening odor nuisance in the south and east of the Netherlands, as was intended when this voluntary arrangement was announced in the Coalition Agreement.

The remaining financial resources (170 million euros) will be used by the central government and the provinces for other nitrogen measures. This creates nitrogen space for housing and infrastructure.

The nitrogen effect of the subsidy scheme for the remediation of pig farms is 2.8 mol, lower than the anticipated 8.5 mol. The main explanations for this are a lower number of pig farmers stopping operations than estimated, a lower average nitrogen emission per farm, and the farms being located in different areas than expected.

June 30, 2021/ National Government of the Netherlands/ Netherlands.

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