The first secretary of the Korean Republic Embassy, Ms. Sewon Kim, handed to the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil the proposal regarding the health conditions for the Brazilian pork exports.
Ms. Tatiana Palermo, Secretary of Agribusiness International Relations, highlighted that this is a great leap forward in the negotiations started in 2004, when South Korea still had a law that did not admit the regionality of foot-and-mouth disease, but after, in 2008, it accepted the regionalisation principle and start the hazard analysis for the importation of Brazilian pork.

The Ministry of Agriculture will check the requirements proposed by the Korea to continue the negotiations, after which the Korean government will carry out a public survey, and if there are no obstacles, the final requirements for the exportation of Brazilian pork to South Korea will be published.
The Minister of Agriculture, Ms. Katia Abreu, will visit Seoul in June, and it is expected that the final requirements for the sale of pork will be published during her visit. For Brazil, the opening of this market could entail a USD153,6 million/year business.
Monday, 14 March 2016/ MAPA/ Brazil.