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Netherlands: estimate of veterinary antibiotic usage in 2011

In the first semester of 2011 the total sales of antibiotics in the veterinary sector were 32% below the level of the same period in 2009.

26 January 2012

In the first semester of 2011 the total sales of antibiotics in the veterinary sector were 32% below the level of the same period in 2009. Preliminary data of sample farms about the antibiotic use in the first half year of 2011 also indicate a decrease in antibiotic use in all five animal production sectors examined in 2011.

Sample surveys reveal the following tendencies for the years 2005 to the first half year of 2011, indicating a further decrease in antibiotic use in all five studied animal production sectors in the Netherlands in 2011, when extrapolated to annual usage:

- sow/piglet farms: annual variation until 2009, decrease in 2010 and 2011;
- fattening pig farms: increase until 2008, decrease in 2009-2011;

The sales data indicate a total decrease of 41.6% for tetracyclines, 26.8% for quinolones and 32% for cephalosporines in 2011-I compared to 2009-I.

November 2011/LEI Wageningen UR/ Netherlands.

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