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The Netherlands postpones the aids program for pig producers that cease their activity

Waiting for the approval by the EC, the subsidies program developed to reach a more sustainable pig production will have to be postponed until the autumn, instead of August, as was foreseen.

30 July 2019

In early May, the Ministry of Agriculture of The Netherlands, with the aim of achieving a more sustainable pig production and reducing the health and environmental hazards in areas with a high pig density, informed that it would offer help for the refurbishment of pig farms and to those farmers that were willing to cease production.

As the process is still is in its stage of approval by the European Commission, the Minister has informed that the program will have to be postponed until the autumn, instead of starting on August 15th, as previously stipulated. It is expected that the scheme starts, so the farmers may register, in the autumn, for a period of six weeks.

The pig farms that cause trouble due to bad smells and whose owners are considering ceasing production will be able to aim for a subsidy consisting, on the one part in an economic compensation for the rights related to the pigs, and on the other hand for the loss in value of the premises. The degree of the subsidies regarding the rights related to the pigs will be decided some days before the start of the subvention, based on the market price at the time.

Thursday, 18 July 2019/ Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality/ The Netherlands.

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