The Secretaries of State for Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, Bleker, and Infrastructure and Environment, Atsma, developed jointly with the Netherlands Organisation for Agriculture and Horticulture (LTO) a new vision for the future policy of manure, which seeks to encourage employers to limit their excess manure and try to give them answers, through cooperation and innovation capacity.
This new policy approach to manure proposes, among others:

1 .- A new system that allows a sustainable balance between the production of manure and manure sold, both on large-scale basis as well as at a smaller business level. The bottom line is that all farmers that produce more manure than their own soil can absorb, must offer a portion of this surplus to a certified processing company.
2 .- The measures to reduce most of the phosphorus and nitrogen can make an important contribution to solving the environmental problem. For pig farming an ordinance is being developed that involves lowering levels of phosphate in the manure.
December 2011/ MARM-Noticias del Exterior/ Spain.