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Netherlands peak load scheme underway to reduce nitrogen

Agricultural entrepreneurs can make their businesses more sustainable or take advantage of voluntary termination schemes.

15 June 2023

The peak load approach is aimed at the approximately 3000 agricultural and industrial companies that cause the most nitrogen precipitation in Natura 2000 areas. Participation is voluntary.

Agricultural entrepreneurs can now use a tool and the website www.aanpakpiekbelasting.nl to check whether they fall under the target group of this approach, how they can get started with (further) sustainability of their business, and what opportunities there are for voluntary termination.

An entrepreneur can participate in the approach if the nitrogen deposition exceeds the threshold value. This is the case when a company causes at least 2500 mol nitrogen deposition per year on overloaded nitrogen-sensitive nature within 25 kilometers.

Entrepreneurs who fall under the peak load approach can voluntarily make significant reductions by means of (a combination of) extensification, innovation, conversion, and relocation. To support plans to this end, the government is working on various schemes.

Entrepreneurs can also choose to make use of attractive termination schemes. The National Termination Scheme for Livestock Farming Locations (Lbv) and the Lbv-plus will be published in the Government Gazette. The Lbv-plus is a one-off, financially attractive scheme that will become available to dairy, pig, poultry, and veal farmers who fall under the target group of the peak load approach. The Lbv is available to a larger group of dairy, pig, and poultry farmers, which also causes a considerable amount of nitrogen deposition on overburdened Natura 2000 areas. Registration for these two termination schemes will open on July 3. The closing date of the Lbv is December 1, 2023; the Lbv-plus closes on April 5, 2024.

June 12, 2023/ Central Government/ Netherlands.

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