The German authorities have reported a new case of ASF in a wild boar in the endangered zone. This brings the number of confirmed cases to 7; all of them within the defined endangered zone covering a radius of about 24 km. The new case was found in the area of Neuzelle, within the district of Oder-Spree.
Just yesterday the Minister of Agriculture, Julia Klöckner, reported on the current situation, emphasizing that the aim is to prevent the spread of the virus, which is why the government of the Land of Brandenburg has established premiums for each animal found dead, including those hunted. The premiums have been established according to the area where the animal is found: 150 euros/head for animals found in the core area and 100 euros/head if it is within the endangered and buffer zones. Only authorized personnel are allowed access to the core zone. If citizens find a dead animal in the endangered and buffer zones, they must inform the responsible veterinary office, giving details of the location.

In relation to trade, the Minister reported that, thanks to regionalization within the EU, internal trade can continue. This represents 70% of German exports while, despite efforts made, China, Korea, and Japan, among other countries, are keeping their borders closed. So far, neither the European Commission nor any member state has been able to make regionalization agreements with any country in Asia, although Germany is still working to do so.
With regard to market developments and possible support measures, the Government is analyzing the market situation on a daily basis and has stated that it is prepared to, in the event of market disruption, support farmers with, for example, aid to private storage. The Minister commented in relation to this point that this would have to be done in its proper time because currently the cold rooms are still full of products for export. In addition to private storage, there have been other market measures made in the past, such as financial support programs. The measures taken must be adapted to the respective situation.
September 18, 2020/ 333 Staff.