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New crisis in the relevant French pig market

Daniel Picart, president of the Marché du Porc Breton, relevant French market, left his post on Thursday. The MPB suspended its trading, scheduled for Thursday, postponing it to a later date.

28 September 2015

After demanding for weeks a minimum price of 1.40 € / kg for their pigs, the porcine section of the UGPVB (Union of Meat Producer Group of Britain) renounced that goal on Thursday sowing division within the "Marché du porc breton"(MPB) of Plérin, the relevant market in France. Following the announcement, the president of MPB, Daniel Picart, announced his resignation to the Board and was replaced by François Pot, also chairman of the pork producers group Porélia.

The MPB suspended its trading, scheduled for Thursday, postponing it to a later date.

Exceptionally, the MPB held a meeting friday with, amongst others, the president of the porcine section of UGPVB, Michel Bloc'h, and the new president of the MPB, François Pot.

Friday, September 25, 2015 / Le Point / France.

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