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New EU reference laboratories in the field of contaminants in feed and food

Fødevareinstituttet (Denmark) and RIKILT (The Netherlands) will be the new reference laboratories for metals and nitrogenous compounds and for mycotoxins and plant toxins in feed and food.

12 February 2018

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission currently hosting the EU reference laboratory for heavy metals in feed and food, the EU reference laboratory for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the EU reference laboratory for mycotoxins in feed and food since 2006, has informed the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety that it will no longer continue to host these EU reference laboratories as from 1 January 2018. Therefore the Commission launched on 23 January 2017 a call for applications to select and designate an EU reference laboratory for the abovementioned areas.

The selected laboratory National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) should be designated as EU reference laboratory for metals and nitrogenous compounds in feed and food, the laboratory National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) as EU reference laboratory for processing contaminants and the laboratory RIKILT (Stichting Wageningen Research) (The Netherlands) as EU reference laboratory for mycotoxins and plant toxins in feed and food.

Given the growing importance of chlorinated persistent contaminants other than PCBs and dioxins, brominated persistent contaminants and fluorinated persistent contaminants for the safety of feed and food, it is also appropriate to extend the scope of the EU reference laboratory for dioxins and PCBs in feed and food to all halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in feed and food. Therefore the EU reference laboratory for dioxins and PCBs in feed and food should be renamed in EU reference laboratory for halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in feed and food to reflect this extension of scope.

Thursday February 8, 2018/ OJEU/European Union.

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