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New European protein strategy

The undersupply of protein feed and the high import demand for it are long-standing issues in the EU where the rate of self-sufficiency amounts only to about 33%.

27 February 2013

During the last Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting many member states supported the proposal of the Austrian delegation for launching initiatives allowing the development of a protein supply system specific to the EU.

They considered this would help to decrease the EU dependency to imports as regards protein feed. Some delegations pointed out the need to comply with Word Trade Organisation (WTO) requirements with this regard.

Austria outlined that the undersupply of protein feed and the high import demand for it a re long-standing issues in the EU where the rate of self-sufficiency amounts only to about 33%. However, the problem of the undersupply of high-quality protein feed in the EU should be taken into account in the framework of the CAP reform. As the cultivation of legumes and intermediate crops have a number of positive environmental impacts, the relevant areas should be considered in the greening requirements and credited as ecological focus areas.

Wednesday February 27, 2013/ Consilium/ European Union.

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