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New H1N2 Influenza strain shows signs of spreading

A veterinary Pathologist with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine reports an emerging H1N2 strain of influenza, first detected in 2013 in Manitoba, has begun to spread throughout western Canada.

9 March 2017

Dr Susan Detmer, a veterinary pathologist with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, reports over the past three years we've seen an even split among three different types, an H1N1 virus, H3N2 viruses and a pandemic virus but over the last year cases of the pandemic and the H3N2 strains have declined and a new H1N2 virus has been dominant in western Canada, according to Farmscape.

According to Dr. Detmer "The biggest issue that we're faced with in western Canada is the viruses that we have, there isn't a very good match to commercial vaccines for pigs so instead what we end up doing is having to isolate the virus which can be done and create an autogenous vaccine which is done through a vaccine manufacturer, there's only one in Canada and that's located in Ontario.

That's probably the biggest challenge that we face, is finding a vaccine that works on the farm and then the changes in the viruses."

Wednesday March 8, 2017/ Farmscape.ca/ Canada.

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