The new restrictions apply to the following commodities originating from the Mazovia, Swietokrzyskie, Opolskie, Pomorskie, Zachodniopomorskie, Dolnoslaskie, and Lubuskie provinces:
- Live pigs and boar semen
- Pork meat, including meat from wild boars and products from their processing that have not been subjected to heat treatment (at a temperature of at least 70°C for at least 30 minutes)
- Hides, horns, hooves, intestines, bristles, and hunting trophies obtained from susceptible animals
- Feed and feed additives for animals, of plant and animal origin, including from poultry and fish, feed additives for cats and dogs that have not undergone heat treatment (with a temperature of at least 70°С for at least 30 minutes)
- Used equipment for transporting pigs, products, and raw materials of animal origin, maintenance, slaughtering, and cutting of pigs.
Currently, due to ASF, there is a ban on the import of products to Kazakhstan from the provinces of Podkarpackie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Wielkopolskie, Podlaskie, Lubelskie.

This year in Poland there have already been nine outbreaks of ASF in pigs scattered in different regions of the country and almost a thousand cases in wild boar.
June 18, 2024/ Chief Veterinary Inspectorate/ Poland.