Ireland has requested the Commission to remove the method ‘Fat-O-Meat'er (FOM)’ from the list of authorised methods for grading pig carcases in Ireland, as it is no longer used, to authorise three new methods for grading pig carcases on its territory and to update the existing equation for the instrument ‘Hennessy Grading Probe 2 (HGP2)’.
Ireland has presented a detailed description of the dissection trial, indicating the principles on which those new methods are based, the results of its dissection trial and the equations used for assessing the percentage of lean meat. Examination of that request has revealed that the conditions for authorising the new grading methods and updating the equation are fulfilled. Those grading methods should therefore be authorised in Ireland.
The use of the following methods is authorised for grading pig carcases:
- the ‘Hennessy Grading Probe 2 (HGP 2)
- Hennessy Grading Probe 7 (HGP 7)
- the ‘Fat-O-Meat'er II (FOM II)
- the ‘AutoFom III’
Monday March 12, 2018/ OJEU/ European Union.