USMEF and U.S. pork exporters have been exploring the feasibility of establishing a reliable chilled pork supply chain to Hong Kong for decades.
Hong Kong consumers prefer warm, fresh pork and have turned to China in the past to import live hogs to be processed and sold warm. But with ASF outbreaks, this has lessened and consumers are more open to consider frozen or chilled products.
At a USMEF press conference announcing plans to fill Hong Kong’s growing fresh pork supply gap with U.S. chilled pork, Joel Haggard, USMEF senior vice president for the Asia Pacific, said the opportunity could benefit the U.S. pork industry in both the near and distant future, as more consumers adapt to chilled pork rather than fresh “warm” pork derived from hogs imported from China.
The press conference highlighted establishment of a new U.S. chilled pork supply chain that will make U.S. chilled pork readily available at less cost to consumers than the current prices for fresh pork. Haggard said some U.S. items could be also priced lower than chilled products from competing suppliers like Thailand, Australia and China.
December 19. 2019 /USMEF/ USA.