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New report reveals global decrease in antimicrobial use in animals

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) released a landmark report showing encouraging progress in combatting antimicrobial resistance.

8 September 2023

Global antimicrobial use in animals has declined by 13% in 3 years, marking again a significant shift in the continuous efforts to preserve the efficacy of these critical medicines. Less than 20% of antimicrobials used in animals in 2019 were of highest priority and critical importance for human health.

Going further in the fight against this threat to global health, WOAH has recently fully digitalised its global database into an online platform: ANIMUSE. This new system facilitates open access to global and regional data in an interactive way, while also featuring easier reporting, error checks, and data visualisation tools for Members providing the information.

September 6, 2023/ WOAH.

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