Rules from 29 March 2019: imports and control requirements
After the UK leaves the EU, still be able to import animals, animal products, food and feed whether from the EU or elsewhere. However, the process for notifying the UK authorities of these imports will change. Some import requirements from the EU to the UK may also change.

New notification process for imports from non-EU countries and EU countries
If the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 29 March, you’ll no longer have access to the EU’s import system TRACES (Trade Control and Expert System) for importing into the UK.
To ensure imports of live animals, products of animal origin, animal byproducts, germplasm and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin can continue after exit, the UK is launching a new system called the Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS).
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is releasing IPAFFS in phases.
From 29 March, you can use IPAFFS if you’re importing live animals, animal products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin from non-EU countries.
You can register for IPAFFS now, and create notifications for consignments arriving after 29 March.
Find out more about how to use it in the IPAFFS user guidance.
Tuesday March 19, 2019/ DEFRA/ United Kingdom.