Belgium: Stabilization in pig slaughter in 2024
The swine industry is stabilizing after a historic low.
The swine industry is stabilizing after a historic low.
Foot and mouth disease virus serotype O was detected in a sample tested at a pig farm in Thanh Hoa province.
As of November 3, 2024, Germany had 21.3 million pigs (+0.3 % vs. 2023). The number of farms fell by 3.2% to 15,700.
After three weeks of rains that were key to the season's recovery, losses have stabilized and the trend shows a better than expected improvement in soybeans in the core region. A month ago, significant losses and extensive areas with total damage were projected.
The total number of hogs slaughtered increased by 118,998 head.
In EFSA’s yearly report on residues of veterinary medicinal products in live animals and animal products, the trend continued for high compliance with official limits.
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With a sharp cut in corn, estimated production falls by 2 million tons from last month. For soybeans, the first projection, based on its current condition, is below expectations under a normal scenario.
EU ministers discuss rural proofing, agri-food market stability, and the future vision for agriculture and food.
The agreement boosts the expansion of agribusiness trade, benefiting both the province of Santa Fe and the rest of Argentina. In addition to strengthening the position of the soybean complex, it opens new opportunities for the export of meat, dairy products, sunflower, legumes, and other strategic products.
The technical update of the PEFCR Feed extends its validity until December 2025, without significant methodological changes.
The country is self-declared free of the disease; it is now working for international certification to consolidate its status and strengthen swine health.
These are the main findings of the latest monthly agri-food trade report published by the European Commission.
According to the presented ranking, the top 20 pork companies produce almost 80% of the total slaughter pig production (4,671.7 thousand tons).
Compared to the January report, significant cuts were made in South American corn harvests and in exports from Brazil and Ukraine, related to the fall in Chinese imports. A decrease in the global soybean harvest and ending stocks was again projected, due to lower production in Argentina.
The anti-dumping investigation into pork imports from the European Union is ongoing.
Poland recorded a more than 7% year-on-year decline in the swine inventory. The share of finishing pigs increased in the herd structure.
In the fourth quarter of 2024, the pig slaughter totaled 14.23 million head.
Oilseed processing broke records in December and confirms the industry's good performance. Strong demand for corn further boosts corn shipments, which beat wheat exports.
The European Commission's roadmap sets the stage for an attractive, competitive, resilient, future-oriented, and fair agri-food system.
The decree extends to pork, sheep meat, and poultry meat with the obligation to display the origin of beef having been in place since 2002.
Spanish agri-food exports reached a new all-time high last year, with 75,090 million euros.
With last year's results, Colombia rose to fourth place in the ranking of Latin American pork producers.