The Nicaraguan Ministry of Public Works, Industry, and Commerce, has explained, with respect to the possible imports of beef and pork from Canada, that up to now Nicaragua does not have a bilateral commercial agreement in force with Canada, so all the imports that come from this country pay the imports tariff schedules. Also, the meat imports are subject to the fulfillment of the corresponding health regulations, requirements, and procedures.
Also, up to now, no imports of pork or beef coming from or produced in Canada have been carried out. This is because no Canadian meat processing plant that fulfills the requirements and procedures established so those goods can enter the national territory has been certified yet.
To conclude, the Ministry has specified that Canada and Nicaragua still have to deal with the ending of the negotiations of a Free Trade Agreement together with other Central American countries; and one of the matters whose negotiation is pending, and due to which this process has been stopped for a time is, exactly, the meat issue.
Thursday January 24, 2013/ MFIC/ Nicaragua.