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Norway's action plan to eradicate wild boar

The increased efforts against wild boar were adopted after the outbreak of African swine fever in wild boar in Sweden in September 2023.

16 February 2024

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency have presented a revised action plan against wild boar with measures to achieve the government's goal of eradicating wild boar in Norway.

The increased efforts against wild boar were adopted after the outbreak of African swine fever in wild boar in Sweden on September 6, 2023. In the revised action plan, several new measures were recommended in addition to the continuation of measures that are already in place.

Recommendations include:

  • Extensive population monitoring to get an overview of where the animals are.
  • Making arrangements to be able to sell meat from the wild boars that are shot.
  • Developing a digital solution for recording wild boar observations.
  • Implementing measures to make hunting more efficient.
  • Introducing requirements that producers with outside pigs in areas with wild boar must have a wild boar-proof fence.
  • Building a fence towards Sweden.
  • Securing areas with waste to which wild boars can gain access.

February 2, 2024/ Government of Norway/ Norway.

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