With EU agri-food imports reaching a monthly value of EUR 10 billion, the monthly trade balance now stays at about EUR 2.7 billion.
Highest increases in monthly export values (Nov 2017 compared to Nov 2016, EUR million) were recorded for the USA (+167), Russia (+95), Turkey (+75) and China (+74). Monthly exports fell to Vietnam (-29) and South Africa (-28), as well as to some Northern African and Middle East countries.

Wine saw the highest year-on-year export growth in November, increasing by €125 million; sugar exports grew by €79 million compared to November 2016 while exports of spirits and liqueurs rose by €71 million.
In contrast, EU wheat and other cereal exports experienced the biggest drop over the year, falling by 29% (or €1.7 billion) and 15% (or €0.3 billion) respectively. Pork exports also saw a dramatic annual decline, of 9% or €47 million.
Tuesday January 23, 2018/ DG Agriculture/ European Union.