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Germany: Number of organic livestock farms on the rise


The number of organic pigs increased by 36% between 2010 and 2020 and represents just under 1% of the total pig inventory.

29 July 2021

According to the final results of the 2020 agricultural census of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the number of organic farms has increased by 41%, rising from 12,300 to 17,300 in the last ten years. Overall, in 2020, a tenth of the 168,800 German farms were organic (6% in 2010).

More specifically, in 2020 there were 13,000 organic cattle farms (+34% compared to 2010), with 861,300 animals; 5,400 organic chicken farms, with about 8,296,900 animals (5% of the total chicken inventory nationwide in 2020; 3% in 2010); 2,700 organic sheep farms, with 243,800 sheep (13% of the total sheep inventory); 1,900 organic goat farms, with 51,400 animals (33% of the total goat inventory); and 1,600 organic pig farms, with a 36% increase in the number of pigs between 2010 and 2020 (from 156,300 to 212,500 animals), representing just under 1% of the total pig inventory.

July 14, 2021/ Destatis/ Germany.

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04-Aug-2021 Marcelo LangIf organic protocols include free-range grazing or open houses, I don't know how they will be able to continue increasing the number of farms in the presence of ASF virus spreading in the country.
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