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Germany: Number of pig farms halved since 2010

According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the number of pig farms has decreased by 47% in the last ten years.

Evolution of the number of pigs and pig farms in Germany 2010-2020. Source: Destatis

Evolution of the number of pigs and pig farms in Germany 2010-2020. Source: Destatis

7 July 2021

In 2020, almost 31,900 pig farms in Germany raised about 26.3 million animals. In 2010, there were about 60,100 farms with about 27.6 million pigs. There is clearly a structural shift in German pig production towards fewer but larger farms: in ten years, the number of pig farms has decreased by 47%, but the number of animals has only decreased by 5%. The average number of head per farm increased from 459 to 826 animals.

The majority of animals are located in Lower Saxony (approx. 8.6 million head) and North Rhine-Westphalia (approx. 6.9 million). Together, they account for 59% of the entire pig population in Germany. In contrast, very few pigs are kept in Saarland, Rhineland-Plant and Hesse.

July 2, 2021/ Destatis/ Germany.

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