The meetings with Dr Frieden, CDC Director, and senior staff representatives provided the opportunity to reaffirm several key topics of common interest in order to pursue and strengthen efficient cooperation between the two organisations. CDC is already recognised as an OIE Reference Centre by OIE Member Countries.
The main objectives of this cooperation are notably to further support country compliance with OIE intergovernmental standards on quality of veterinary systems using the OIE PVS Pathway, complementary to the International Health Regulations (IHR) obligations of the Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO), for the parallel strengthening of national animal and public health services. This cooperation is highly relevant in the context of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA).
Both the OIE and CDC have confirmed their support to the One Health approach when addressing compliance and capacity building needs of countries.
Several topics of mutual interest were explored, notably the prevention of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), global rabies control in dog populations, leading to a drastic decrease in human cases, as well as animal disease information systems, including zoonosis.

Consideration was also given to the need to strengthen national animal health systems and their capacity to detect and respond to risks of wildlife origin, including Ebola, also covering post rinderpest eradication activities, and biosecurity and biosafety in veterinary laboratories.
Monday March 9, 2015/ OIE.