The Plan sets new fields of action for the organisation:
• More activities directed to food security, poverty alleviation and animal health and veterinary public health;
• More focus on the “One Health” concept and other matters of cooperation with partner organisations;
•The impact of climate and environmental changes on animal disease emergence and occurrence as well as the impact of animal production on climate change.
The Plan also provides for a continuation of priorities emphasized in the previous Plans, in particular the 4 th Strategic Plan (2006-2010):
• Communicating international animal disease and zoonoses information globally;
• Development and implementation of scientifically -b ased standards and guidelines;
• Prevention, control and eradication methods of animal diseases including zoonoses;
• Compliance with the Good Governance concepts and capacity building for national Veterinary Services;
• Strengthening the Organisation's influence on policy design, applied research and governance;
• Communicating OIE information .