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OIE: solidarity against antimicrobial resistance

A consensus was reached on the need to stimulate cooperation and international solidarity with regard to ensuring supervision of the production, importation, marketing, distribution and use of antimicrobials.

21 March 2013

National, regional and global experts and stakeholders in the field of pharmacology, epidemiology, animal health and human health, gathered for the three-day OIE Global Conference on the Responsible and Prudent Use of Antimicrobial Agents for Animals to discuss the current situation on antimicrobial use worldwide and antimicrobial resistance. The Conference was organised in close collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

A consensus was reached on the need to stimulate cooperation and international solidarity with regard to ensuring supervision of the production, importation, marketing, distribution and use of antimicrobials. Given that resistant bacteria know no borders and inadequate management by a single country can jeopardise all the others, the participants advocated strengthening cooperation to help countries that are not yet in a position to apply the OIE's prudential standards to put in place the necessary legislation, structures and human and financial resources.

They also recommended strengthening good governance practices regulating the production, importation, registration, marketing, distribution and use of quality veterinary medicinal products worldwide.

The Conference brought together the representatives of more than 100 countries and the various sectors involved; officials of national and international authorities and representatives of national, regional and international NGOs and the private sector took part in the event.

Friday March 15, 2013/ OIE.

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