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OIE: Travel responsibly to avoid carrying ASF virus

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) launches the second phase of its awareness campaign focusing on the role of travellers as carriers of African swine fever.

28 January 2020

On the eve of a new lunar year, the risk of disease spread increases due to the massive movements of people travelling to celebrate. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) launches the second phase of its awareness campaign focusing on the role of travellers as carriers of African swine fever, a deadly pig disease, and how they can avoid spreading it.

As part of the OIE “ASF kills pigs” awareness campaign, the OIE launches today new communication tools to raise awareness among travellers and reinforce their messages: a video for travellers, an announcement script, and specific key messages. Additional communication tools addressed to travellers about the risk of ASF spread and what can be done to avoid it are also available. These tools include a poster, a leaflet, a short animation and a general video.

Considering the complexity of the disease, as well as the need of transdisciplinary collaboration, the OIE has joined forces with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in matters of risk communication amongst air passengers. A campaign guide has been developed to assist airline and airport staff in the implementation of the OIE awareness campaign.

27 january 2020/ OIE.

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