The pork shippings are keeping a good pace this year according to the data of the Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA). During the first two months of 2016, the Brazilian pork exports amounted 99,300 tonnes (bearing in mind all products, including fresh and processed): 77.5% more than in the same period in 2015.
In February alone, 51,200 tonnes were exported: 92.9% more in comparison with February 2015, according to the ABPA.

Under the influence of a strong growth of the shippings, the pork exports also registered increases in the foreign exchange balance. In the two first months of 2016, the sector amounted deposits for USD165.9 million: 18.4% more than in 2015. From this total, USD 86,2 million belong to February: 29% more than in 2015.
Russia (the main destination of Brazilian pork) resumed considerably the level of its exports. In comparison with the two first months of 2015, Russia increased its purchases by 76%, with a total of 35,500 tonnes. In February, the exports almost doubled (19,200 tonnes; +99%) in comparison with February 2015. There has also been a strong rise of the sales to Hong Kong (+77%) in the first two months of 2016, with 27,500 tonnes shipped. China places as the fifth main Brazilian pork buyer. Ahead of China we have Russia (36.3% of the total), Hong Kong (28.1%), Singapore (6.8%) and Angola (5.4%).
Wednesday, 9 March 2016/ ABPA/ Brazil.