The Animal Health National Directorate, pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MIDA) of Panama lead, last week, the meeting for the election and settling in of the Governing Board of the National Technical Commission on Swine (COTENAPOR), made up by the Animal Health Director, the Swine Health Programme, the Swine Producers' National Association (ANAPOR), the Association of Veterinarians of Panama (APMV), The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/Science, and the Agriculture and Livestock Health Regional International Body (OIRSA).
The COTENAPOR is a consulting and assessment body on politics, technical, health and food harmlessness aspects, and pork products and byproducts.

The COTENAPOR's goals are to recommend politics on swine health, suggest laws regarding swine health, propose national programmes for the prevention of exotic diseases, the control and eradication of diseases present in Panama, and the coordination and promotion of technical and scientific events for the improvement of swine health.
Thursday, 16 July 2015/ Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development/ Panama.