
Pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v: Human to pig transmission in Norway?

In Norway there is an ongoing outbreak in pigs of infections with pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v virus. The first herd was confirmed positive on 10 October 2009. As of 26 October, a total of 23 herds have been diagnosed as positive.
19 November 2009
In Norway there is an ongoing outbreak in pigs of infections with pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v virus. The first herd was confirmed positive on 10 October 2009. As of 26 October, a total of 23 herds have been diagnosed as positive.

The majority of the herds seem to have been infected by humans. Sequence analysis of pig viruses from the index farm shows that they are identical or virtually identical to human viruses from the same geographical region.


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